Car Accident Trauma: Automobile Crashes can Have Lasting Psychological Effects
Car accidents are violent, scary, life changing events. Typically, Portland car accident attorneys see the full spectrum of injuries and damages sustained by car accident victims; many will suffer the psychological and physical effects of their injuries for a lifetime. A recent car accident article in the Atlantic describes how the author was involved in two car accidents, both with lasting effects. In the U.S., about 40,000 people will die in motor vehicle accidents each you; many thousands more will be injured (some permanently.) Researches have found that nearly 40 percent of people involved in car accidents will develop some form of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). According to the article, flashbacks of a car accident event can occur, and are debilitating. PTSD symptoms from car crashes involve frequent, instrusive thoughts or dreams about an accident, feeling isolated from loved ones, and insomnia. The sense of loss of control in an automobile accident can be debilitating.
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